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30 Nov, 2022

Walking by Ryan Larkin – NFB

Screenshot 2022-11-30 at 22.18.52

Animator Ryan Larkin uses an artist’s sensibility to illustrate the way people walk. He employs a variety of techniques–line drawing, colour wash, etc.–to catch and reproduce the motion of people afoot. The springing gait of youth, the mincing step of the high-heeled female, the doddering amble of the elderly–all are registered with humour and individuality, to the accompaniment of special sound. Without words.

Source: Walking by Ryan Larkin – NFB

APA style reference

Stuck, A. (2022). Walking by Ryan Larkin – NFB. walk · listen · create.


Collection · 103 items

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To walk about; to walk at a relaxed pace.

Added by Petra Johnson

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