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6 Jan, 2023

Walking for Change: The 3 Dads

The 3 Dads

Three dads, united by the loss of their daughters to suicide, set out to save young lives. Mike, Andy and Tim had never met before the deaths of their daughters. Now they have walked almost a thousand miles together, and raised more than £1 million for charity.

Source: BBC iPlayer – Walking for Change: The 3 Dads

APA style reference

Stuck, A. (2023). Walking for Change: The 3 Dads. walk · listen · create.


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Wandering without intent, meandering, walking with pleasurable aimlessness (English regional, esp. Lincolnshire; supposedly derived from the Norse word for “worm”). See also “stravaiging” (Scots), “daundering”, “pootling”, etc.

Added by Sam Shaw

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