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Featured Marŝarto23 SWS23 20 Feb, 2023

Announcing prize money for winning our walking awards


Support WLC, support our walking awards!

We’re making changes to how we support our community, and how you can support us. Specifically, we will bring the support of our members to work for the awards we manage. The Sound Walk September and Marŝarto Awards, recognise soundwalks, and walking art, respectively, and with the support of our community, we will be offering cold, hard cash for the winners and honourable mentions.

Here’s an overview of all changes related to our membership program.

Cash prizes for our award winners

Starting this year, we will fund cash prizes for the winners and honourable mentions of the Sound Walk September and Marŝarto Awards.

Winners will receive a cash prize of 250 euros, honourable mentions will receive a cash prize of 100 euros.

Support WLC, increase the Awards prize money

We are changing the goals of our membership program. We need your support to keep our platform and activities running, and we build inclusion by giving back to our community.

When we reach a monthly combined support of 250 euros, we will double the prize money; 500 euros for winners, and 200 euros for honourable mentions.

When we reach a monthly support of 750 euros, we will double the prize money again, 1000 euros for winners, 400 euros for honourable mentions.

Supporting members attend our cafés for free

Once or twice, every month, we host an online event, a café, where you can listen to, and talk with, an artist who uses walking as a part of their artistic practice. These events are, and will remain, free for our supporting members.

Café recordings for everyone

Up to today, the recordings for the above-mentioned cafés were only available for supporting members, or they could be accessed by purchasing a ticket at a reduced fee.

As of today, recordings of past cafés will be freely available to all registered users, not just our supporting members.

Though this could mean that we will record future cafés less often.

Future plans

For when we grow beyond 750 euros of monthly support, we have two additional objectives we would like to focus on; a yearly paid residency, the first of which we facilitated last year, together with Nau Côclea, and a micro-grant project. More on that when the time is right.

What about our previous crowdfunding goals?

Up until now, our 250 euro per month goal was to create a hand-curated newsletter. We implemented this during the last quarter of 2022.

Our 750 euro goal was to make this website available in additional languages. We are still interested in doing this, but we feel other objectives are more relevant and will see more results.

Support our community, today

Submitting your work to the Sound Walk September or Marŝarto Awards is free.
Support the community, support yourself, support the creation of new work, by becoming a supporting member of walk · listen · create, today.

APA style reference

Fakhamzadeh, B. (2023). Announcing prize money for winning our walking awards. walk · listen · create.


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To walk, tread, or step especially heavily.

Added by Morag Paterson

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