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Curated news 24 Apr, 2023

Le Spectacle | Strandhem

1 track album

Strandhem’s first release is a 32min album-song called “Le Spectacle”, lyrically based on the book by French philosopher and critical theorist Guy Debord “La Societé du Spectacle”. The book, along with the album, is a social critique of our society of appearances and personal commodification at the expense of our happiness and overall humanity – most commonly displayed in today’s influencer culture. The musical journey of “Le Spectacle” follows direct audio samples from Debord’s own reading of his book taken from its 1974 filmization. Musically, besides the usual metal instrumentation, also includes (amongst other) Uilleann pipes, a kantele, a saxophone solo, trombone & trumpets, gospel choirs, trance beats, polyrythmics and everything in between (including samples of Slavoj Zizek).

Source: Le Spectacle | Strandhem

Submitted by: Babak Fakhamzadeh

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A field of activist performance that utilises walking and moving and talking in rural landscapes to address issues of environmental, social or political concern (Jess Allen).

Added by Deirdre Heddon

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