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Walking as Artistic Practice New 8 Dec, 2024

Ojibway Story of Mudjeekawis (no date)

This story is from Ojibway Heritage by Basil Johnston, page 151:

Mudjeekawis was the first born son of Epingishmook and Winonah and he accompanied his father in all his expeditions and acquired a wanderlust. He left home as soon as he was old enough. He traveled far and wide and brought back stories from other lands and people to the Anishnabeg people. He was the one to bring wampum to the Anishnabeg.

APA style reference

Mueller, E. (2024). Ojibway Story of Mudjeekawis (no date). walk · listen · create.


Collection · 3 items

Indigenous or Aboriginal

Collection · 1 items


A slow, leisurely walk that encourages musing or a sense of wonder (see attested Middle English etymology).

Added by Sonia Overall

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