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Curated news New 12 Dec, 2024

‘To cough was to risk death’: the artist who mapped Syria’s Sednaya prison with testimonies from its survivors | Culture | The Guardian

As an artist and audio investigator, I interviewed people who had been imprisoned in a building where sound and vision were weaponised. So what should happen to this monstrous place now it has been liberated?

Source: ‘To cough was to risk death’: the artist who mapped Syria’s Sednaya prison with testimonies from its survivors | Culture | The Guardian

Submitted by: Babak Fakhamzadeh

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shaugraun, shogarawn

A wandering condition, a drifting or vagabond state, as in “He’s gone on the shogarawn.” from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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