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Mattia Cobianchi

Mattia Cobianchi

I`m an acoustic and transducer engineer, with a professional life in audio and an academic life in adaptive soundscape composition thanks to a doctoral collaborative award at Goldsmiths University of London.
I`m interested in everything related to vibrations, noise, sound and music.
In my practice, the word electro-acoustics implies both the physics of transforming electricity into sound through transduction, as much as the use of loudspeakers and amplified sound to reshape the sonic environment around us.

snaffle, snoodle

These fanciful-sounding words have no definitive origin: They probably just sounded right to someone who was sauntering, which is what they both mean. An Oxford English Dictionary (OED) example from 1821 describes someone “soodling up and down the street.” Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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