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Fernseed: A Collection of Tales by Sarah Royston is a novella length collection of short stories. It is a speculative dive into history and the English landscape, from ancient standing stones to crackling pylons, deep holy wells and Victorian industrial run-off. Deeply lyrical, these stories are full of non-human voices, queer characters and the relationships between them. These tale are by turns gentle and sinister, filled with hunger: for escape, for each other, for enchantment. £9.50



Queer ecologies, plant-lore and landscape

Meet the authors who are writing about walking and the landscapes through which we walk, at Walking Writers Salons. We are delighted to welcome writer Sarah Royston for our November Salon, talking about her newly published novella length collection of short stories Fernseed: A Collection of Tales. Folk-singers harvest the music of the dead. A quarry-pit calls in

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Wandering without intent, meandering, walking with pleasurable aimlessness (English regional, esp. Lincolnshire; supposedly derived from the Norse word for “worm”). See also “stravaiging” (Scots), “daundering”, “pootling”, etc.

Added by Sam Shaw

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