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The Jewish Hungarian Experience of The Holocaust – A Radio Walk with John Hajdu

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Eighty years ago, on the 5th of April 1944, the Yellow Star Order was imposed on the Jewish population of Hungary – one of hundreds of anti-Jewish laws which led to the deportation and murder of over 400,000 Hungarian Jews.John Hajdu MBE, was 7-years old when he was imprisoned in the Budapest Ghetto, and his mother was sent to Mauthausen concentration camp.In this Radio Walk, John tells his story to Jonathan Kempster of the Imperial War Museum Sound Archive as they walk through the Holocaust Galleries at IWM London.
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Oral History and Audio Production by Jonathan Kempster (MIPS).

APA style reference

Kempster, J. (2024). The Jewish Hungarian Experience of The Holocaust – A Radio Walk with John Hajdu. walk · listen · create.


This word has been around since the mid-1800s. Here it is in an 1864 issue of the journal Notes & Queries: “I have been pedestrianating through a corner of Oxfordshire.” Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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