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Globetrotting in the company of Duncan Minshull

Author Duncan Minshull is the guest in a Walking Writers Salon, talking about his approach to editing and compiling his latest anthology Globetrotting: Writers Walk the World

In his new book, Duncan Minshull, the UK’s ‘laureate of walking’, brings together the recorded footfalls of over fifty walker-writers who have travelled somewhere across the world’s seven continents. They walk across all sorts of land and cityscapes, in all sorts of climes and times; alone, in a couple or a group. These are walks that suggest a host of reasons for leaving the sedentary life behind.

Walking Writers' Salon

Collection · 23 items


Chinatown by William Bout

Globetrotting in the company of Duncan Minshull

A Walking Writer's Salon with Duncan Minshull. In his new book, Duncan Minshull, the UK’s ‘laureate of walking’, brings together the recorded footfalls of over fifty walker-writers who have travelled somewhere across the world’s seven continents.

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Crossing a street or highway not at an official cross walk or signalled controlled junction; in North America it is an offence for which you can be fined.

Added by Andrew Stuck

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