As part of the 2023 MK Lit Fest Springs Back! Festival, Cheryl Markosky and Tony Horitz, winners of the 2022 Write About Walking competition and our 2022/3 writers-in-residence, invite you to a free online creative writing workshop to inspire you to submit written pieces in the Write About Walking A/way competition. The competition will be launched at the workshop.
Cheryl and Tony were tasked with coming up with the theme for the competition and chose “Walking A/way: Walking Away or Walking A Way” – they will also make this theme central to this hour long creative writing workshop.
Walking A/way
You can choose how you wish to interpret the theme in poetry or short prose. Your work can be fiction, creative non-fiction or memoir.
You may interpret walking a/way however you wish, such as escaping from … or being drawn towards …. Or even walking in a certain way – confident or subdued…. Or walking a particular route.
You can view the Hand out for this workshop from here or download it
We at walk · listen · create run an annual Write About Walking competition in which shortlisted pieces are published in a limited edition illustrated chapbook published by Sampson Low, and winners and runners-up win other prizes too – find out more about the 2023 competition here.
Purchase copies of chapbook anthologies from previous competitions from our shop here.
Video recording Only available to registered users. |

Sydney Gardens Tree Weekender audio anthology
Rustling in the leaves Through dappled sunlight, a shower of falling leaves, and with colours of autumn all around you, you can now listen to poetry and prose inspired by trees in parks and public gardens while you stroll through Bath’s Sydney Gardens. Bath & North East Somerset Council celebrated trees in parks and public gardens
Write About Walking A/way: free creative writing workshop: Please advise whether this starts at 1600 or 1700, also its duration. Thank you.