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SWS24 2023

Greenwich Foot Tunnel

Greenwich Foot Tunnel, London, UK
11 minutes


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Sound walk

On my first visit to the Greenwich Foot Tunnel, I decided to stick a field recorder in my backpack and walk from the south side to the north side of the tunnel. The recording starts as I descend the stairwell in the south entrance, with a few voices and hums, builds as the tunnel reverberates the sound of people walking in both directions, along with bike chains and a busker setting up, before reducing to a calm climb of the north entrance stair well. Taking a sonic snapshot of an urban location, detaches from the initial multi-sensory experience, generating a new and ambiguous lens. Listening back conjures images of a theatre of steadily rising and falling chaos, reflections and echoes advancing and retreating in synchronicity with the activity.


Matthew Faulkner

APA style reference

Faulkner, M. (2023). Greenwich Foot Tunnel. walk · listen · create.

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Projects and events around walking with prams, pushchairs and buggies (etc.). Instigated by artist Clare Qualmann.

Added by Claudia Zeiske

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