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SWS20 2020

The Ears May Travel

Multiple locations
139 minutes
14 € or more
Sound walk

The Ears May Travel came into existence spontaneously during the covid-19 pandemic in spring 2020. During lockdown I simply felt the urge to travel – at least in imagination.

But it is not only a vacation for the senses. It is a commentary in a time when countries around the globe are closing their borders. The scary thing is not to close borders for health purposes but using the pandemic as an argument in order to achieve a hidden political agenda. The EU, for example, now uses the lockdown to abandon refugees even harder than before, they are dying at our borders and also within our borders. At the same time we have seasonal workers shipped to Germany from Eastern European countries, so they can harvest asparagus in isolation and for starvation wages.

In this context my field recording compositions are a very friendly reminder that traveling and freedom of movement are a basic human need as well as a human right for all. I want the world to acoustically experience the vitality of the world outside of their homes and to turn outward amidst all the inwardness of these times – at least in awareness.

Keeping the world within us – in our thoughts, feelings, and actions – should always stay a solid rock.

Most of the tracks of this album consist of binaural recordings – So, please LISTEN WITH HEADPHONES!

Since this is an on-going series, I will add more tracks…


Hosted by: bandcamp

APA style reference

Pesch, C. (2020). The Ears May Travel. walk · listen · create.


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Drifting through sounds and the outer world, finding oneself

Carina Pesch, aka La Pesch, co-curator of GERÄUSCHKULISSE in Leipzig, and shortlisted for the Sound Walk September 2020 Award for her work The Ears May Travel, and walk · listen · create, invite you to reflect upon the specific nature of sound traveling – be it in music, soundscapes, sound walks, or any other sound experience.

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zig-zag walking

A kind of attitudinal or intentional walk in which one chooses a zig-zag pathway, choosing a feature in the environment to walk towards and changing chosen feature and direction at will. A way to subvert prescribed directionality, and view, of built urban pathways.

Added by James Cunningham

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