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The Wiltshire Ridgeway Walk

Marlborough SN8 1PA, UK
Walking piece

The Wiltshire Ridgeway Walk app created by Richard White was an element of a larger project about the Ridgeway National Trail in Wiltshire inspired by the photographs of Fay Godwin. The app content is linked to a section of the Ridgeway near the World Heritage Site of Avebury and can be used with or without GPS. It will be most immersive using headphones and GPS. The app will help you find some of the places Godwin visited on and near the Ridgeway; it is designed to provide non intrusive orientation to, and interpretation of, part of this pre-historic path.

Users are invited to contribute further thoughts, sounds and images to an ongoing legacy of the project continuing an ancient conversation with the landscape. The app was produced by Creative Wiltshire the business and community digital media service from Wiltshire College with support from Calvium. Creative Wiltshire, the website and the iPhone app are gone but the flickr group it inspired lives on. 


Hosted by: Richard White

APA style reference

White, R. (2012). The Wiltshire Ridgeway Walk. walk · listen · create.

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shaugraun, shogarawn

A wandering condition, a drifting or vagabond state, as in “He’s gone on the shogarawn.” from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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