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Wanderers – 2021

2414 Regent Drive, Boulder, CO 80309, USA


Collection · 8 items

locative media

Collection · 12 items

geo-located media

Collection · 1 items
Sound walk
Created by Roberto AzarettoJiffer Harriman and Teri Rueb

Five planets — Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were known to the ancients. To the unaided eye, these planets appear starlike. However, the planets moved relative to the stars. For this reason they were called wandering stars. Our word “planet” comes from the Greek word planetes, meaning “wanderer.”

Smithsonian Museum of Air and Space

Wanderers is a responsive sound experience delivered via a mobile app that responds to the visitor’s movement as sensed by GPS. A complement to the Colorado Scale Model Solar System represented by plaques that extend from the Fiske Planetarium to Colorado Boulevard on the CU Boulder campus, Wanderers offers another mode of experiencing this model where visitors are free to explore the sonic, temporal and spatial dynamics of our Solar System as a responsive soundscape that extends in all directions from the Sun, located in front of the Fiske Planetarium.

The Solar System as a model conjures the image of spinning spheres marching around the Sun in a grand promenade, lined up as if in formation. Yet our more common experience of the Solar System is found in staring at a night sky, pondering the planets and constellations, or noting the rising and setting of the Sun as it carves its daily path, rendering us as tiny figures in a complex pattern of space and time. Wanderers invites the mobile listener to explore a sonification of the Solar System in which the relative mass and orbital period of the planets in our Solar System are expressed sonically, with each celestial body having its own “soundprint”. As the mobile listener wanders, and the sonified celestial bodies move at their relative orbital speeds, the participant hears a dynamic soundscape where the volume and direction of the sounds changes depending on the participant’s position and perspective. Participants may toggle sounds on/off using the right menu, and using the slider tools (bottom left icon) may alter parameters of the sonification including: speed of orbit, audio range: radius within which sounds can be heard, sound palette used, and heading.

30 second teaser movie on Vimeo

APA style reference

Rueb, T. (2021). Wanderers – 2021. walk · listen · create.


pascal-debrunner-Being Led by the Stars-unsplash

Being led by the stars

Being Led By The Stars . . . Two Walking Practices in Dialogue Teri Rueb and Bill Gilbert  Walking and sound have variously shaped the practices of Colorado and New Mexico-based artists Teri Rueb and Bill Gilbert.  This Cafe event will feature both artists who will present a brief overview of their broader practice, speaking

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Vocal Orientation And Navigation Through development and practice of Driftsinging.

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