
Brett and I have created artistic walks together since the beginning of my practice.

Walking with Brett is FUNdamental.


I don’t normally give communication through my phone priority over the world in front of me. During our walk I found my attention split between several different incoming digital information streams. Text and images being continuously created by both of us, each dominant for brief periods. But all of them continuously dominant over the physical space around me. Because the overall experience was playful, it didn’t bother me the way it normally would to have my attention so thoroughly dominated by a digital filter. There was a sense that this was an event that included both realms, and it was active and fun, so it was okay to give it my full focus. As a generally reluctant participant in public phone use, it felt absurd and a little transgressive to stay so absorbed. It was sort of a, “so this is how the other half lives” moment for me. It was also interesting to see how time of day affected the live aesthetic so much, turning all your photos into dark glowing images, while mine had a less unified feel, though the lighting was nice and even because of how overcast it was. It was fun to play a new game (to me) with a friend.

Townley and Bradby
Brett Van Aalsburg

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