The Carry Principle

This is a blog documenting my PhD research. It's a kind of diary, a collection of mobile media studies, compositions and situations. Everything follows The Carry Principle – using devices that are small, personal, multifunctional, battery-powered and always on.

    Electronic Frequencies →


    DMU II. The second of a series about sound art and music from the Music, Technology, and Innovation Research Centre of De Montfort University.

    Concerzender - Electronic Frequencies 

    28.03.18 - 23:00 C.E.T.: 

    Composers in this program are Dave Holland, Leigh Landy, Simon Emmerson, Steve Jones, Amit Patel-Dushume, Pete Batchelor and Simon Atkison.

    Today’s music of the composers in order of appearance:

    1/ Taligare, by Dave Holland
    2/ To BBC or Not, by Leigh Landy: Good Morning
    3/ Aeolian, by Simon Emmerson
    4/ To BBC or Not, by Leigh Landy: The News
    5/pasCher, by Steve Jones
    6/ To BBC or Not, by Leigh Landy: A microphone each and no idea what they’re going to say
    7/ Crapbox, by Dushume
    8/ To BBC or Not, by Leigh Landy: Musica Nova
    9/ Fuse, by Pete Bachelor
    10/ To BBC or Not, by Leigh Landy: Etc.
    11/ Nocturne, by Simon Atkinson

    One of my early mobile SoundWalking pieces (2013) included in this broadcast.

    (via dushume)

    — 6 years ago with 2 notes
    #carrypinciple  #iPad  #mobile 
    1. steranko reblogged this from dushume and added:
      One of my early mobile SoundWalking pieces (2013) included in this broadcast.
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