Alessandro De Cecco

Alessandro De Cecco


Alessandro De Cecco (PhD) is a musician, researcher, sound artist based in Grenoble (France).
Following his Conservatory Degree in Cello, he initially specializes in the classical repertoire. After moving to France, he starts focusing on the practice of free improvisation and experimental music. Since 2016, he coordinates the research and improvisation workshop Coup de dés and curates the experimental musical programming of Le 102 venue in Grenoble. In 2019, he fosters the creation of the APNÉES (Association pour la PerformaNce, l'Électroacoustique et les Expérimentations Sonores) association.
Over the years, he has both performed as improviser and diffused his electroacoustic compositions in international contexts (Tempo Reale, Florence / Festival Météo, Mulhouse / Festival »zoom-in«, Bern / GMVL, Lyon / ...). He works mainly on spatialized and multiphonic immersive environments, halfway between site-specific performance and installation, exploring the interaction between sonic material, instrumental gesture and acousmatic space. He currently works as a researcher & developer in Audio Signal Processing at Arturia.
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