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Become a supporting member


Give yourself that warm, fuzzy, feeling, and help us through dark times, by becoming a supporting member of walk · listen · create.

Supporting walk listen create helps us to support you, the community, specifically by providing stronger incentives to produce walking, and soundwalking, art, by awarding winners of the Sound Walk September and Marŝarto Awards with cash prizes.

Pick the plan that suits you best.


Become a silver member of walk · listen · create for just 5 euro per month, or 50 euro per year.

As a silver member here are the connected perks:


Become a gold member of walk · listen · create for just 10 euro per month, or 100 euro per year.

As a gold member, you get all the perks of the Silver plan, and in addition:

  • You are identified as a supporting member with a gold bullet, close to your profile picture.
  • You are highlighted (on rotation) in the "Check out these creators" section on our homepage.
  • You get a 20% discount on sponsoring our weekly curated newsletter (with a yearly membership).


The Platinum plan is an institutional plan for organisations which provides a Silver membership for up to 25 individuals, at 50 euro per month, or 500 euro per year.

Contact us if you are interested.

You need to log in to become a supporting member.


295.83 / 750 euro per month


How do we plan to spend your money? By giving back to the community, you.

€250/month: Double the prize money for our walking awards

When we reach a monthly support of 250 euros, we will double the prize money for our walking awards; 500 euros for winners, 200 euros for honourable mentions.

€750/month: Double the prize money, again!

When we reach a total of 750 euro per month in support, we will double the available prize money, again; 1000 euros for winners, 400 euros for honourable mentions.

Lofty aspirations

With additional support, we will implement and provide rich support for a number of projects, including, but not limited to:

  • An Artist in Residency program
  • Micro grants
  • Exhibitions
  • A financially sound, and yearly, Sound Walk City
  • Physical publications

slinge, slindge

To slink off or about, to idle, to loaf, as in “They were never working—always slingin’ about.” from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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  • Include the page on which you encountered the problem.
  • Describe what happened.
  • Describe what you expected to happen.