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With online and local walking events, online talks and round tables, global and local audio walks, and audio papers from around the world.

July, 22nd – 17h BST
Talk by Francesco Careri (video-interview and live discussion).

July, 22nd – 18h30 BST
Round table I: Walking and (im)mobility. Challenging space and creativity in times of lockdown. Chaired by Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio and Miguel Bandeira Duarte. Speakers: Johanna Steindorf, Rui Filipe Antunes, Joseph Young, Elena Lacruz & Ines Moreira, Conor McGarrigle.

July, 23d – 17h BST
Talk by Duarte Belo (video-interview and live discussion).

July, 23d – 18h30 BST
Round table II: I am a woman.x when I walk. Chaired by Federica Martini and Natacha Antão Moutinho. Speakers: Alice Neveu, Johanna Reichhart, Judith Franke, Esmeralda Gómez Galera, Fernando Ferreira.

July, 24th – 17h BST
Soundwalk (on distance) and live walking conversation with Karen O’Rourke, together with Yannis Ziogas and Geert Vermeire.

July, 24th – 18h30 BST.
Round table III: The body as a carrier of stories. Walking Narratives. Chaired by Yannis Ziogas and Geert Vermeire. Speakers: Karen O’Rourke, Viv Corringham, Rosie Montford, Gerald Gordon.

Artists and academics were invited to participate with an audio paper (a performative or walking audio essay) or an audio walk for the walking arts encounters/conference Drifting Bodies – Fluid Spaces / Made of Walking (VII) in Guimaraes (Portugal), 22-24 July – 2020. Their work is accessible through the directory of walk listen create.

Participation for free, open for all, registration for talks, round table and walkshops.

Guimaraes, Portugal


A short walk or stroll, as in “I’ll take a slew around the harbour before going to bed.” from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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