Martyn Howe

In 2016, I achieved a lifelong ambition to walk the 19 iconic long-distance trails in England, Scotland and Wales, some 3,000 miles, over 150 days, through some of the most wonderful, diverse landscapes in the world. I have come to realise that if you live in Britain, why venture abroad? Some of the best outdoor experiences can be found on your own doorstep? These paths are the 15 National Trails in England and Wales, and the 4 designated long-distance routes of Scotland’s Great Trails. The definition is complex, but I used the Long Distance Walkers Association Diamond Award as a list, soon to be expanded when the England Coast Path is complete and other trails received official designation.

On 2nd September 2021, Vertebrate Publishing will release a book I have spent a few winters writing – “Tales from the Big Trails”
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