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Mathis Nitschke New 4 Jul, 2024


In 1733, Voltaire and Rameau collaborated to create the opera “Samson”, which was censored and whose music was lost. Claus Guth and Raphaël Pichon revive the spirit of this project, commissioned by the Aix-en-Provence Festival. Samson, isolated by his power, becomes a destructive force through disappointing love affairs. I have contributed sound compositions.

Der Beitrag Samson erschien zuerst auf Mathis Nitschke.

APA style reference

Nitschke, M. (2024). Samson. walk · listen · create.

Music for the stage

Collection · 2 items

Music theatre

Collection · 2 items


A short walk or stroll, as in “I’ll take a slew around the harbour before going to bed.” from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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