Walking into Dancing

Event details

5 - 11 Jul, 2021
Tickets FREE


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Every walk, even the one from bed to stove, is a complete journey, a narrative filled with a dizzying variety of events, locations, people, creatures, most of which we overlook. For our bodies, walking is a series of controlled forward falls, a dance of conscious and unconscious choices. How do “I” and where I am affect each other? Why do I begin walking? What do I look (hope) for? What do I see? When (and why) do I choose to end? Who is this “I” choreographing my daily journey(s) and what is this place I am journeying through?

We will meet daily, for a morning hour of body-centered mindfulness practices, somatic play and kinesthetic exploration adaptable to all physical abilities. Over the course of 6 days, participants will be invited to:
• Awaken physical awareness about how they move and some reasons why
• Gather information about the world they create/inhabit when walking
• Share this knowledge through documenting a journey that someone else will recreate

Location: Psarades
Participants: 6-10
Duration: Ongoing throughout the conference.
-Up to 6 morning practices that will include daily awareness assignments to carry with you throughout the rest of the day.
-Short presentations regarding maps and subjectivity, chorography, chorology and chronology, as well as some of the basic time and spatial concepts inherent in contemporary western choreography.
-Sharing and experiencing other participants preference maps
On your own:
-Documenting/building your own preference map

Choreography: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choreography
Chorography: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chorography
Chorography & History: https://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199935338.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780199935338-e-102
Chorology: https://www.wordnik.com/words/chorology
Chronology: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronology

An excerpt from Edwin Denby’s wonderful article: Dancers, Buildings and People in the Streets that is about the nature of looking and seeing:

Click to access Danspace-Project-Dancers-Buildings-and-People-in-the-Streets.pdf

Walking as a Question

Conference · 109 items
Lise Brenner

Lise Brenner

Lise Brenner is a performer, writer, choreographer and dramaturg. Her location-specific interactive pieces link history (official and oral), memory (collective and individual) and meaning (social and personal) in urban spaces. Her work, in the form of danc...

Near Psarades, Greece

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