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Adje Both

Adje Both



SWS23 shortlisted
Adje is a multiprofessional scientist and artist based in Berlin and a countryside retreat somewhere in Poland. He was co-founder of a Berlin underground techno soundlab, performing as DJ and visual artist in the 1990s and early 2000s. As sound archaeologist, he carried out scientific research for about 25 years, among others on the music of the Precolumbian Americas and the European Stone Age, with projects resulting in numerous research papers, lectures and keynotes on conferences worldwide. As a curator and exhibition designer, he created exhibitions on ethnomusicological and music archaeological topics characterized by immersive audio guided tours, such as the famous ARCHAEOMUSICA touring exhibition. As an instrument maker and instrumentalist, he performs on archaeological and traditional instruments, combining their sounds with experimental electronic music, thus closing the circle with his soundlab activities of the 1990s. His Teotihuacan soundwalk from 2022, created in collaboration with Simon Bradley, is nothing more than the result of several of his activities combined.


A highly influential ideologue of neorealism, scriptwriter and director Cesare Zavattini suggested “pedinare,” the Italian word for stalking or shadowing, as a technique for filmmaking. Pedinare in cinema entailed “tailing someone like a detective, not determining what the character does but seeking to find out what is about to ensue.” The etymology of the word in Italian suggests “legwork” as it is derived from the Italian word for foot, “piede.” It is possible to suggest that the proliferation of images of walking in Italian Neorealism is closely linked to the technique of pedinamento, not because all neorealist filmmakers were followers of Zavattini, but because going out onto the street to encounter the everyday life of post-war Italian cities and creating cinematic tools to articulate these encounters were major concerns for the filmmakers of that era.

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