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Anne Bourne

Anne Bourne

Anne Bourne is a composer, artist, writer and facilitator. Anne practices listening, walking and collective creative expression as an opportunity for individual sensory self care and peace work. Listening in the more than human sound field, to create new ways of being in relation to the environment, to bodies of water, evolving sensory understanding, may bring a sense of well being. Seasoned in international intermedia performance and song, then initiated in the first cohort of deep listening certificate holders in the Sangre de Cristo mountains in 1998, Anne imparts the text scores and deep listening practice of her mentor, composer Pauline Oliveros. Anne founded the inclusive safe space listening and voice improvisation collective Sounding Difference, at Music Gallery 2016-19; recent deep listening teaching residencies include Kilowatt, Bologna IT 2019; and with Ione, as MMM_MM/ ensemble vide artist in residence, Genéve, CH 2020. A Chalmers Fellow 2019-2022, Anne explores the geopoetics of shorelines, walking and listening as field recording and researches microtonal vocal practice near shorelines; and the amplification of environmental attention through technology. Anne’s field recording mentor is composer Karen Power, IR. Anne observes the littoral, walking on shorelines as a contemplative listening practice, and creates audiovisual field recordings, abstract and experiential, interpreting wave patterns and the harmonious play of different elements. Premiers: 'Cygnes' at Ione’s Dream Festival, Kingston NY 2020, and 'Grass' at the IF2021 festival for the International Institute of Critical Study of Improvisation. 'Dives into the breach..' The Wire.

shoggle, worple

Since the 1500s, shoggle has been a word for various sorts of shaking. No wonder it became a word for unsteady walking in the 1800s. Zombies and toddlers are big shogglers. Another term sometimes applied to such precarious ambling is warpling. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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