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Bernadette Russell

I am an author and storyteller. I have been creating audio story walks and live story walks since 2008, usually with a mixture of ancient myth, science, folklore, natural and local history. I am a storyteller/volunteer tree planting supervisor for Trees for Cities.
I am passionate about honoring the more-than-human world in my work and am proud to have an animist philosophy and approach to my work ( we aren't the only earthlings that walk, after all!)
I write non-fiction books for adults and children about hope, kindness and wonder and try to use creativity to help create a kinder, fairer world.
My latest book for adults is called How To Be Hopeful (published by Elliot and Thompson) and I am currently writing a new book about radical kindness called "How To Change the World" (out 2025) as well as a walking theatre show called "COMMON" about the enclosures act (live show May 2024)


From translations of the Greek playwright Aristophanes: It literally means to walk on the air, but actually means to walk as if on air. What a perfect word for buoyant sauntering, after, say, receiving good news. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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