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Carolyn Black

Carolyn Black

Carolyn Black studied BA Fine Art at University of West of England (1990–93); post-grad diploma in printmaking at University of West of England (1994–96) and an MA Fine Art at University of Wales Institute Cardiff (1997–99).

Selected groups exhibitions include: As Above So Below (film) selected for Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020; When You Call I Shall Come (film) Earth Photo 2020, Royal Geographical Society touring, (2020); 12 Circular Walks video, Harvest Film Festival , Dorset (2019); Tide Turns Performance Lecture, Liquidscapes Conference, Dartington Hall (2018).

Solo exhibitions include: Severnside, Wildfowl & Wetland Trust Gallery, Glos (2020); Severnside, The George Gallery, Newnham on Severn, Glos (2017); UNESCO Artist in Residence, Selasar Sunaryo Gallery, Bandung (2002).

Carolyn lives and works in The Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, UK. The River Severn has been her muse for the past three years, resulting in large-scale charcoal drawings of both banks of the river; a publication “Severnside: An Artist’s View of the Severn” and a series of video films.


A footstep: I widna geng a fitstramp owre da door efter her.

Added by Janette Kerr

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