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Christos Ioannidis

Christos Ioannidis

Christos Ioannidis was born in 1979 in Serres, Greece. From an early age he loved photography and initially he worked with it as an amateur, and later professionally. Athlete and ski instructor, nature lover and climber he works mainly with landscape photography. In 2014 he graduated from the School of Fine Arts of Florina, and in 2020 from the postgraduate program "Cultural Informatics and Communication / Culture and Production of Documentary Films" of Aegean University. In recent years he has been working as an art teacher. He has participated in many art exhibitions in Greece with photos, videos and video art. He is fond of documentaries and nonfiction. He lives and works in Thessaloniki. The documentary "is Walking art?" is his first film.


Crossing a street or highway not at an official cross walk or signalled controlled junction; in North America it is an offence for which you can be fined.

Added by Andrew Stuck

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