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Francesco Careri

Francesco Careri

Francesco Careri is an architect and a co-founder of Stalker / Osservatorio Nomade, an artistic and nomadic research group, which in 1995 started a series of walks in Rome and in various European and American cities, exploring the system of interstitial voids of the urban archipelagos.

Careri is Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture at Roma Tre University, where he explores an itinerant approach to teaching through the Civic Arts laboratory, an entirely peripatetic structured course which is conducted by walking, getting lost, wasting time and interacting in situ with the emerging phenomena of neglected urban areas.

GPS, geo-poetic system

Geo-poetic system was a term coined by Lucy Frears during locative media art research (published 2017). The basis of geopoetics, a theory and practice developed by Scottish philosopher and poet Kenneth White, is to connect humans to the lines of the earth (White cited in McManus 2007: 183), or ‘what’s out there’ (Ingold 1993; 154; White 2005: 200; White 2006: 9). The contact White describes is often between the human mind and the earth, what he calls ‘landscape-mindscape’ (Legendre 2011: 121). Because of the embodied nature of locative media experiences using a smartphone in landscape for these walking art experiences using gps technologies Frears expanded this notion to being ‘landscape-mindscape-bodyscape’ (2017).

Added by Lucy Frears

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