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Harriet Hill

Harriet Hill

(United Kingdom)
Harriet Hill is a visual artist who in recent years, has been creating letter costumes, taking them on walkabouts to spell words that trigger public engagement. Collaboratively made short films of these events have been produced, notably P.E.C.K.H.A.M. (2017 3.37'), H.O.M.E. Wakefield (2019 5.45') and HOME-ing (2021 33.38')

Born in London in 1966 Harriet studied Fine Art at undergraduate level in Cardiff, Wales 1987 and gained a distinction in Fine Art Textiles at Goldsmiths college, London in 2007.
Financed by work as an art fabricator Harriet has built up her multi-disciplinary practice and exhibits internationally.


The Scottish and English word plodging has been wading through the lexical muck and mire since the late 1700s, and it refers to icky, slow, molasses-type walking. Plodge is probably a variation of plod. This word isn’t totally out of use, as a 1995 use from British magazine The Countryman illustrates: “Northbound Pennine Wayfarers, plodging through the interminable peat-bogs of the North Pennines.” Even if you have a spring in your step, it’s tough to skip merrily through the peat-bogs. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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