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Melinda Hunt

Walking and Drawing(Australia)
I am a visual artist living and working in Sydney Australia. I acknowledge the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation as the traditional owners of the land on which I live and work. This land was never ceded. My walking drawings are a kind of kinaesthetic seismograph, capturing not just what is seen, but what is sensed and felt, and the action of my body as I move through space. I have an experimental drawing practice - I walk and draw. While walking and drawing I am exploring connections to place, traversing both the visible landscape and the invisible landscape of memory. When the visible and invisible combine, an atmosphere is generated and documented. I call these works ‘perceived landscapes’; they are a sensorial mapping of a site and its associated atmosphere.

pedestrian acts

By de Certeau: In “Walking in the City”, de Certeau conceives pedestrianism as a practice that is performed in the public space, whose architecture and behavioural habits substantially determine the way we walk. For de Certeau, the spatial order “organises an ensemble of possibilities (e.g. by a place in which one can move) and interdictions (e.g. by a wall that prevents one from going further)” and the walker “actualises some of these possibilities” by performing within its rules and limitations. “In that way,” says de Certeau, “he makes them exist as well as emerge.” Thus, pedestrians, as they walk conforming to the possibilities that are brought about by the spatial order of the city, constantly repeat and re-produce that spatial order, in a way ensuring its continuity. But, a pedestrian could also invent other possibilities. According to de Certeau, “the crossing, drifting away, or improvisation of walking privilege, transform or abandon spatial elements.” Hence, the pedestrians could, to a certain extent, elude the discipline of the spatial order of the city. Instead of repeating and re-producing the possibilities that are allowed, they can deviate, digress, drift away, depart, contravene, disrupt, subvert, or resist them. These acts, as he calls them, are pedestrian acts.


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