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Richard White

walking-with, uncomfortable presence, social justice


Online Jury 2023
SWS Grand Jury 2023
SWS Grand Jury 2024
SWS Grand Jury 2025
UK based walking and multimedia artist/researcher
Richard White devises, curates and hosts walks involving listening, sensing, making and asking questions. His participatory performative practice, Walknow, explores accountability and seeks to develop response-abilities through iterations of walking-with approach. Richard's critical walking arts process is for social justice, attends to embodiment and disrupts enchantments.

zig-zag walking

A kind of attitudinal or intentional walk in which one chooses a zig-zag pathway, choosing a feature in the environment to walk towards and changing chosen feature and direction at will. A way to subvert prescribed directionality, and view, of built urban pathways.

Added by James Cunningham

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