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Some Call Us Balkans (SCUB), cultural cooperation project co-funded by Creative Europe, is a transdisciplinary research and community aiming at mobilizing moments of collective production of knowledge and imagination in order to enable multivocal impressions of the “Balkans” beyond stereotypical narratives and representation of it.

SCUB implements art-based participatory research practices to deconstruct Myths and Misconceptions about the “Balkans”, building a common ground for cross-border cooperation, social transformation and co-creation.

Starting from the conducted researches in 6 different sites and communities in the “Balkans” along three main research streams: The Commons and Right to the City, Migration and Labour, Cultural Heritage and Cultural practice; and the Ground Tour open-scripted travelling practice, we envision new ecologies, modes of inhabiting the Balkans and come together on a common ground.

The final outcome of the project is the BLKN Mobile a particpatory artistic format and a travel itinerary across the region engaging with various sites, communities and a wide a wide spectrum of issues, including ecology, mobility, citizenship, environment, gender issues, minorities, memory, identity, belonging, the commons, urban space and borders....


To wear down a heel so that the boot or shoe is mis-shapen, as in “The heels on his boots were squoiled down.” from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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