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Sylvia Molina

Sylvia Molina

Madrid (E). Since 2001 she has been a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UCLM (Cuenca). She leads the group ‘Fuzzy Gab’ that rescues the Electroacoustic Music Collections of the GME (Legacy of international composers under direction of Gabriel Brnçic) and projects of Human Interfaces and Interactive Installations.
Her projects and research since the early '90s have focused on the field of plastic arts and computer music (base subject of her Doctoral Thesis published by the Complutense University of Madrid) on the basis of which she has developed numerous projects both on-line and off-line, individual and in groups.
In 1992 she investigates in Kassel (D) where she begins her synaesthetic and interactive projects and until '95 she remains in Karlsruhe (D) where she investigates the last year at ZKM under the direction of Jeffrey Shaw (Bildmediem). Shortly after, she investigates at the Riverbed Company for the Robert Wilson's project in New York City and decades later, during the second half of 2013 and 2015, she investigates at the i-DAT in Plymouth (UK). Actually by EMS in Stockholm.
Likewise, she has exhibited, given conferences and participated in concerts in Spain, Germany, Mexico, Portugal, Poland, Slovenia, Romania and more recently in Costa Rica with her exhibition ‘Narratives Fuzzy’ composed for the La Neomudéjar museum in Madrid in 2020 where she presented her artistic book 'Diálogos Inesperados.


Bare feet, as in “walking on one’s softs.” from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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