Artists Marina Abramovic and Ulay are known in many parts of the world as the lovers whose relationship ended at the Great Wall of China. Initially, when the couple planned the trip, they intended to get married at the center of the wall. However, it was years later when the couple finally acquired all the authorization required from the Chinese government and were able to raise funds for the project. Sadly, by then, the couple’s 12-year relationship has crumbled and what started out as a marriage celebration turned into last goodbyes for the couple. The couple had planned to be the first people to walk the entirety of the Great Wall, however, they were beaten to the punch by a Chinese railway clerk.
The bittersweet story of Marina Abramović’s epic walk on the Great Wall of China | Travel | The Guardian
In 1988 Abramović and Ulay trekked from opposite ends of the wall to meet in the middle – but this Herculean act of love and performance art was doomed from the start Source: The bittersweet story of Marina Abramović’s epic walk on the Great Wall of China | Travel | The Guardian