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WALC Café Buillding the Chiapas Teachers’ Center

Video recording of a Walking Arts & Local Communities Café, in which architect Stavros Sofianopoulos presents “Building the Chiapas Teachers Center” an initiative by the Greek Solidarity Team of support for the Zapatistas’ campaign “A School for Chiapas” [Centro de Capacitación  de Promotores Culturales Compañero Manuel (Chiapas, Mexico)]. The initiative is presented in the context of Community based-art.

The event was hosted by Yannis Ziogas, WALC Project director and Artistic co-coordinator. The presentation was made in Greek, with an English translation made available.

Walking Arts & Local Communities (WALC) is an artistic cooperation project, co-funded by the European Union, Creative Europe, starting in January 2024 for four years. With seven partners from five countries, WALC establishes an International Center for Artistic Research and Practice of Walking Arts, in Prespa, Greece, at the border with Albania and North Macedonia, backed up by an online counterpart in the format of a digital platform for walking arts.

WALC builds on the previous work of hundreds of artists and researchers already practicing Walking Arts as a collaborative medium, and having met at the significant previous walking arts events and encounters in Greece, Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, and during online activities at walk · listen · create.

We acknowledge the support of the EU Creative Europe Cooperation grant program in the framework of the European project WALC (Walking Arts and Local Community).

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

walk · listen · café

Collection · 77 items


3c School for Chiapas Greek Initiative Innauguration ph Stavros Sofianopoulos 2001 02

Building the Chiapas Teachers’ Center

Παρακάτω ακολουθεί το κείμενο στα Ελληνικά. In the Café, architect Stavros Sofianopoulos will present “Building the Chiapas Teachers Center” an initiative by the Greek Solidarity Team of support for the Zapatistas’ campaign “A School for Chiapas” [Centro de Capacitación  de Promotores Culturales Compañero Manuel (Chiapas, Mexico)]. The initiative will be presented in the context of Community based-art.

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found actions

Actions that people engage in – including walking – extracted from everyday life and inspected in isolation. After the method of using ‘ready-made’ objects or ‘Found Objects’.

Added by Patrick Ford

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