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Walking and Moving with Trees

Bathscape Tree sound walk

This workshop involves a tree-sound walk. Starting in Victoria Park, participants will follow a ‘tree walk’ route. Led by Vicky Hunter and Rosie Montford, participants will engage with the trees and the walking route through a series of tasks involving drawing, moving, pausing and reflecting on experiences and encounters gathered along the way.

The walk will culminate in a movement workshop at The Schoolroom, Bath Artists’ Studios. We will draw on the sound walk to create a collaborative movement ‘score’ for participants to collectively engage in and share their experiences of the day’s events – no specialist dance or movement experience is required – this workshop is inclusive, adaptable and open to all.

The activities, tasks and reflections will be collated en route and in the studio and added to the Sound Walk archive as a record of the event and a prompt to action for subsequent participants wishing to engage with the tree walk in an enhanced and active manner.

What to wear / bring: Loose comfortable clothing and trainers / stout walking shoes are recommended. Please bring water, sunscreen, waterproofs as required and a notebook and pen, please bring snacks and refreshments as required.

Families, adults, children all welcome, children must be accompanied. Part of the Bathscape Walking Festival.

Submitted by: Andrew Stuck
This event has happened

2023-09-09 10:00
2023-09-09 10:00
2023-09-09 10:00

Hosted by: Bathscape Landscape Partnership
Royal Victoria Park, Marlborough Lane, Bath BA1 2NQ, UK

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Aimless wandering.

Added by Morag Paterson

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