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Walking Home: Soundwalk at Great Linford Manor Park

MKLF Audio anthology

Launching our new audio anthology

“The destiny of every walking man is to immerse himself in the panorama surrounding him, to the point of becoming one with it and, ultimately, to vanish”.

Federico Castigliano

Join us for a bracing Autumn walk with a difference, as we launch a new audio anthology! MK Lit Fest have collaborated with Walk Listen Create and The Parks Trust to curate an audio collection of new writing that you can listen to through the app as a ‘soundwalk’ . Each piece in the anthology has linked to a specific location in Great Linford Manor Park, Stonepit Field or Stanton Low in Milton Keynes. 

So…. why not check the weather forecast, dress appropriately, maybe bring a thermos flask or a lunchbox of snacks, and put your walking shoes on as we explore these locations and listen to the writers’ words. We’re inviting the local authors to join us to, so you may even have the special treat of live, in-person and in situ performances. Book a free space and we’ll email joining instructions on the day!

Milton Keynes – Walking Home: the Soundwalk

The SoundWalk that we have collaboratively curated is available to listen to from Saturday 24 September in the app (available for Apple and Android devices). The anthology will remain available after the in-person walk, and we’re already looking to work with Walk Listen Create to produce further audio-anthologies of geo-located new writing.

This event has happened

2022-09-24 15:00
2022-09-24 15:00

Hosted by: Milton Keynes Literary Festival
Great Linford Manor Park (The Parks Trust), Great Linford, Milton Keynes, UK


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Sound walk

Walking Home – Milton Keynes

Walk Listen Create have teamed up with MK Lit Fest and The Parks Trust to bring a collaborative anthology of new writing to listeners in Great Linford manor park and the surrounding area. Earlier in 2022, Walk Listen Create ran a writing competition inviting people to submit poetry and stories of up to 250 words on the theme of “Walking Home”. They

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the [video]flâneur

The artist walks like a „Flâneur“ through the city. He does not have a turtle with him (as the original Parisian Flâneur of the 1830‘s used to); later, he does not write stories, he does not write poems. He has only a video camera. He takes shots of the city; he takes shots of the “life” of the people of the city, sometimes he also shoots “himself” (…without camera moves, without zooming, without special lighting, with original sound, without permission); Later he chooses and combines the scenes, Installs and presents them online, offline, on site or off site, always under different contexts.

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