Walking Piece SWS24
Marching for Gaza – Does history matter? Can marching stop war?
Walking Piece SWS24
Only Glaciers Know

Discussing the complicated interconnections between human beings and the landscape of Iceland, the piece is designed to be experienced while walking along the Iceland coastline. It is a sonic documentary and poetic fiction of the enchanting island.

Walking Piece SWS24
mens maakt landschap maakt mens – interactive soundwalk / bicycle route

An interactive listening experience, based on field recordings and conversations with artists and experts about human interaction with the dutch cultural landscape in the past, present, and future.

Walking Piece SWS24
Radio Walk with Paul Haley, Photographer

"If you can't find a photograph within ten yards of where you are, you're not looking hard enough."

Walking Piece SWS24
Walking the Line

Participants were invited to start to walk as if to their homes, following as straight a line as possible. Prompts were given that predetermined stopping and reflective points based on Fibonacci sequences. As artists came from Australia, the USA, Greece and the UK, their routes led off in very different directions.

Walking Piece SWS24
Colston’s Last Journey (Worldwide)

Roll out this walk thru version of Ralph Hoyte's Colston’s Last Journey work of soundart about Bristol and the Transatlantic Trafficking of Enslaved Africans anywhere in the world (iPhone; we're getting there for Android). For further info and to experience the work search and follow the link to the 'worldwide' version.

Walking Piece SWS24
Walking through the submerged forest

This piece is composed from my field recordings walking on the beach at low tide and readings of letters from Bexhill Museum archives, layered together with sound effects to bring to life a part of our eroding coastline and an archive which lies quietly unearthed.

Walking Piece SWS24
Shore Land

Shore Land is a six-part sound walk along Chicago's Lake Michigan shoreline that contrasts settler engineering (social, legal, material) with Indigenous perspectives on the sovereignty of land and water.

Walking Piece SWS24
Historic Cafés Route

The stories of nearly 100 historic cafés throughout mostly the south of Europe.

Walking Piece SWS24
The Truth

This audio walk is located at the Trade Fair Ground in Leipzig and beams the listener into the future. Whether this is a dystopia or utopia what the spectator witnesses is open to individual interpretation.

Walking Piece SWS24
Soundwalking, Listening and Contested Histories

An audio essay about soundwalking for Walking Encounters 2023 in Prespa