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SWS24 2023

mens maakt landschap maakt mens – interactive soundwalk / bicycle route

mens maakt landschap maakt mens – interactive soundwalk / bicycle route
22P6+96 IJsselstein, Netherlands
120 minutes


Collection · 461 items


Collection · 207 items


Collection · 394 items


Collection · 238 items

An interactive listening experience, based on field recordings and conversations with artists and experts about human interaction with the Dutch cultural landscape in the past, present, and future.

Set against the backdrop of soundscapes recorded in various quiet areas within the “Groene Hart” (Green Heart) area in between Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague and Rotterdam, they provide various nuanced perspectives on the challenges currently unfolding within the Dutch landscape in general, and the primal cultural landscape of the Green Heart in particular.

Similar to the old masters of landscape painting, these contemporary artists, while cycling or walking, surrounded by the landscape itself, hold up a mirror to the listener and provide food for thought. They explore how humans have shaped this landscape, but perhaps even more intriguingly, how our interaction with the landscape of the Green Heart over time has also shaped us and contributed to our identity.

mens maakt landschap maakt mens - interactive soundwalk / bicycle route (excerpt)

CC-BY-NC: Arnold Hoogerwerf


Concept & Soundscapes: Arnold Hoogerwerf

Interviews: Dennis l’Ami

With the voices of:
Wumen Ghua
Niels Stomps
Arjan van ‘t Riet
Esther Polak
Ivar van Bekkum

Special thanks to: Amy Stenvert (Museum IJsselstein)
Hosted by: Arnold Hoogerwerf / Museum IJsselstein

APA style reference

Hoogerwerf, A. (2023). mens maakt landschap maakt mens – interactive soundwalk / bicycle route. walk · listen · create.

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attentive walking

A method of walking and attending to experienced environment that is free, open and ‘without agenda’. Not to be confused with the idleness of flanerie or the intentions of attitudinal walking.

Added by Sonia Overall

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