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SWS23 2023

Semi-Colon (How To Draw A Tree)

The Arboretum, University of Guelph, The Arboretum, Arboretum Road, Guelph, ON, Canada
53 minutes


Collection · 204 items


Collection · 280 items


Collection · 206 items


Collection · 127 items
Sound walk

Welcome to Abhiraj Dadiyan’s sound walk “Semi-Colon”.
Abhiraj nearly extinguished his own light a few years ago; now he acts as a lamplighter for others. “Death has always given me her bid, but never her hand …”
His meandering, philosophical walk invites the listener to interact with nature in imaginative and playful ways.
Trigger warning: talk of suicide throughout but always returning to hope and light.

This piece is one of 4 participatory works created with and produced by Audio Artist Dawn Matheson as part of her How To Draw A Tree (“to draw” here meaning “to attract”) multimedia soundwalk project. Matheson worked with 4 students living with mental illness who paired with trees for a year-long creative, care-taking engagement culminating in immersive storied sound walks on the grounds of the Arboretum in Guelph, Canada and virtually, online designed by artist Richelle Forsey. (


Producer/Lead Artist: Dawn Matheson
Visual Artist (website): Richelle Forsey
Host: Abhiraj Dadiyan
Soundtrack Composer: Jeff Bird
Story Support: JP Davidson

Hosted by: Abhiraj Dadiyan

APA style reference

Matheson, D. (2023). Semi-Colon (How To Draw A Tree). walk · listen · create.

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attentive walking

A method of walking and attending to experienced environment that is free, open and ‘without agenda’. Not to be confused with the idleness of flanerie or the intentions of attitudinal walking.

Added by Sonia Overall

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