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1 Sep, 2021

Stepsounds by Liz Nicholas

Poetry feature
My feet
in heavy leather 
thick sole

meet cut grass 
Feather and weft

kiss grit and shingle 
Grist hitch and scribble

knock against rock 
clock and buckle

The heavy sole 
cuts off feeling

Wet, unexpected 
dished in prints

Heard before 
it is seen or felt

Sounds fill my soul

connect me to
the land that lets me walk it.

APA style reference

LizNicholas (2021). Stepsounds by Liz Nicholas. walk · listen · create.

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Drawing with (vocal) sound in response to place while passing through place. Driftsinging borrows from the Situationist Drift, and Baudelaire’s flâneur. Driftsinging also relates to the process of ‘sounding,’ the sonic measuring of distance and depth that locates position in place and ‘echo location’, the examination of place through sonic reflection and refraction, resonance and echo.

Added by R and F Mo

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