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Featured 2 May, 2022

We’re on LinkedIn. Join us.


With the steady decline of Facebook, we’re now also on LinkedIn. Join us.

A platform with more of a professional angle, we post our own events, as well as important updates, on LinkedIn.
If you have a profile on LinkedIn, follow us today.

In addition, we’ve adjusted your profile settings here on walk · listen · create, allowing you to include your LinkedIn URL, as well as links to your Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook profiles. Yes, we can’t quite completely shake off Facebook just yet.

If you take a look at our LinkedIn profile, you’ll see that our next upcoming event is a café with Torbjørn Ekelund, set for May 3. It’s called In praise of paths, and in it, Torbjørn invites us to shrug off our shoes, and walk barefoot to get closer to the landscape through which we tread, whether on a well-beaten forest trail, coastal path or beside an urban street.

Follow us on LinkedIn, today. Check out our LinkedIn profile.

APA style reference

Fakhamzadeh, B. (2022). We’re on LinkedIn. Join us.. walk · listen · create.


Collection · 177 items


Collection · 32 items
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data ambulation

The process related to the practical collection of material, acting as post-walk data resource.

Added by Andrea Vassallo

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