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19 Jul, 2022

From mountain to sea (part 1)


I am walking from Mountain to Sea. Ben MacDui. First stop. Tourists are on the up. With me. From Düsseldorf. Ja, hier geht’s lang. The park. The national one. The plateau, vast. Cairngorm. Over there. With snow shoes last time. On top. Wind. Der Wind, der Wind, das himmlische Kind. My tablecloth. Pink. It blows. Ferociously. Where would it fly? If I wasn’t holding it. My hair. Ferociously. Crazy. Aberdeenshire/Moray. Moray/Aberdeenshire. Why borders? Never understood boraders. My real walk starts. From West to East from Mountain to Sea. Head down. Meander, like a river. A valley section. Geddes. Patrick. My spiritual friend. He guides me. Along this long path. Loch Etchachan. The beauty, the blue, the bonny. My tent. Ferocious. The wind. Cook. Moroccan lentils. On my pink cloth. From the outdoor shop. Yuck. What would the Moroccans say? The wind. The tent. Will it fly away? With me? Sleep. Not. Is this fun? Or not? The ground. Hard. The loch. Wavy. Ferociously wavy.

Up again, early. No point. In sleeping, when not sleeping. Pack. Tent. Rucksack. Off. Down. Walker. Hello! Hutcheson Hut. In memory. Of Hutcheson. Picnic. On pink. Of course. Off. Down. Flowers. So many. Many pink. The clouds. Only in Scotland. Nowerhe else appreciated. Another landscape they form. I thank. For the clouds. Not sure, to whom. Tune in my head. Cant stop it. Nothing to do with here. Fernando. Abba. Go away? Please. I try Kufstein Lied. No. Fernando is back. Hotter. No wind. Burn. Bridge, meander, along, hot. Derry Lodge. Big path. No reception. Still ok. Cyclists. The way feels endless. Linn of Dee. Nice. Want to jump in.

Small road. Marr lodge. American man. Wedding guest. Bliss. Weather, place, river, the Dee. Royal Deeside. Bridge, hanging one. Busy road. What do they do? If not walk? Cross. Gate. Picnic on Pink. Woods, blueberries, flowers, ready to pick. Loch, now name loch. See Braemar. The view point, royal, probably. Rest. Pieter. Thanks. Meet Rosy. The knitter, the activist. Her story of the Covid, the lockdown, the village in it all.

APA style reference

Zeiske, C. (2022). From mountain to sea (part 1). walk · listen · create.

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