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1 Sep, 2023

Walking Down Temple Steps, Paestum

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Longlisted for the Write about Walking A/way competition 2023

Standing at the top is like receiving the ends
    of sun’s rays; weightless, but urgent,
        urging one to enter the glowing arena
           where the gods are watching. Turning away, and looking down,
             earth seems resilient, patterned as it is with inadvertent
                 scraps of stone to give it weight. Almost there:
                    the light turns to shadow; now, earth has lessened,
                          composed of a splitsecond wind through the long grasses
                            that startles the lizard, dilutes the laughter;
                               the school party shrinks to air.

APA style reference

isabella mead (2023). Walking Down Temple Steps, Paestum. walk · listen · create.

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Pigeon-toed person. from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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