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News 3 May, 2024

Wellington Jane's Walk

We invite you to join us for the fourth Wellington Jane’s Walk on Saturday 4 May, 2pm starting from the bottom of the Dixon St steps. Please RSVP wellington[a] if you would like to come along.This is a citizen led walking conversation looking at familiar streets with new eyes in the ‘footsteps’ of Jane Jacobs. Speakers will talk to different points of interest along our route, ending with a cuppa upstairs at the Embassy on Courtenay Place. We encourage all to participate in this conversation.Jane Jacobs was a New York urbanist who in the 1960’s successfully fought motorway development through her New York neighbourhood. She supported a community based approach to city building and wrote her well-regarded book ‘The Death and Life of Great American Cities’. She introduced many novel ideas for the time including the concept of ‘eyes on the street’, and the idea of cities as ecosystems of organised complexity, everything interacting witheverything else in many particular ways. She was a great advocate of improving diversity with many people following their own small plans and building up community relationships over time. Walks are held worldwide around her birthday in May annually.Our route starts at the bottom of the Dixon Street steps on a bit of a steep incline and is our only hill, there are no steps but many roads to cross. We will be under cover most of the way so a rain or shine walk although it may be a bit chilly.

APA style reference

ellen.blake (2024). Wellington Jane's Walk. walk · listen · create.


To walk, tread, or step especially heavily.

Added by Morag Paterson

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