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New 1 Sep, 2024

There is a white line that bleeds as it walks

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Long listed for the Write about Walking Together competition 2024

There is a white line that bleeds as it walks 
Into a black soon grey
That makes a sound like this:
Swish swish.
And pools and purls and pools
Until no line is left

Except the red line between two hearts that pulls
Into a beat soon song
That makes a sound like this:
Suck suck.
And booms and blends and booms
Until no line is left

Except the green line that leads to a forest you walk
Into your body soon earth
That makes a sound like this:
Swoosh swoosh.
And buds and blooms and buds
Until no body is left.

  • Read other pieces in the Write about Walking Together competition long list
  • Itching to write something yourself? Submit a piece to our Shorelines project, and invite your friends to read it aloud. Join one of our creative writing workshops or keep up to date with all our competitions by signing up to our ‘Walking Writers’ newsletter here or to our curated newsletter that covers all things about walking art here.

APA style reference

Matheson, D. (2024). There is a white line that bleeds as it walks. walk · listen · create.

Writing Competition 2024 Walking Together Long list

Collection · 27 items
Walking Together
creative writing
walking writing
Sound Walk September


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Walking Together

Shani Cadwallender gives her view on "Walking Together" the theme to this year's writing competition.

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The first sense of snudging refers to being cheap, stingy, miserly, and Scrooge-like. Such penny-pinching behavior isn’t associated with great posture, and perhaps that’s why the word later referred to walking with a bit of a stoop. An English-French dictionary from 1677 captures the essence of snudgery: “To Snudge along, or go like an old Snudge, or like one whose Head is full of business.” Snudging is a little like trudging. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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