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Andrew Stuck

Co-founder of walk · listen · create(United Kingdom)

walk · listen · create

Andrew Stuck
Babak Fakhamzadeh
Annemarie Lopez
Geert Vermeire


Andrew Stuck
Babak Fakhamzadeh

EU Creative Europe Cooperation grant program

Andrew Stuck

Bathscape Landscape Partnership

Andrew Stuck

Museum of Walking

Andrew Stuck

Urban Tree festival

Andrew Stuck

Gower Walking Festival

Andrew Stuck


Online Jury 2022
Online Jury 2023
Andrew is the founder of the Museum of Walking, created to bring people together and to make and showcase walking pieces and performances. Andrew also is a podcaster, interviewing creative people who use walking as a catalyst for their practice. Talking Walking is now in its sixteenth year with more than 150 episodes.

In 2006 I discovered “And while London burns” an audio tour created by an activist art collective called Platform. An operatic love story in which you follow a barrel of oil as it is traded on the different exchanges in the City of London. Excited by this discovery, I wanted to learn how to make similar sound walking pieces myself.

Through “Talking Walking” I’ve met many creatives who have made sound walks and walking pieces. Often their work is no longer available, sometimes made purely for a one-off festival, or technological upgrades have made them inaccessible. So in 2017 I devised Sound Walk Sunday to make this work accessible again The 2019 event began as a single day, but rapidly expanded to cover the whole month, becoming "Sound Walk September", with 80 live events and contributions from over 40 countries. Now an annual celebration with Awards for new creative work, it is hosted by walk · listen · create

hybrid flaneur/flaneuse

Hybrid flaneur/flaneuse has become a performative “orchestrator” of steps and technologies – of sensory and emotional encounters. It is this oscillation between the poetic, the socio-technological, the geographical and the emotional that shifts the meaning of flanerie and walking in the 21st century. Hybrid flaneur/flaneuse can be also described in line with the cultural and aesthetic trajectories of the 20th century ambulatory practices. Therefore, a hybrid flaneur/flaneuse could be a creative merging of the romanticised view of early flaneur, the radical tactics and political implications of psychogeography and the performative/site-oriented elements of Fluxus and Land Art – all considered through a wide range of embodied media, social and geographical sensitivities.

Added by Bill Psarras

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