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New 1 Sep, 2024

Today we’re walking the watershed with GranGran’s stick

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Long listed for the Write about Walking Together competition 2024

And Dad borrowed me a proper backpack to carry the painted fish stone and if I promise not to lose it I can use GranGran’s stick with the frogs and the handle carved like a heron. If I calm down.

The people will walk up from the river’s mouth and every time a new stream joins some go up one bit and some go up the other and they better have enough people because there are loads of joins up the hill from here but Dad said they’ve done it from before GranGran was small so they’ll know. And if they don’t it’s their own stupid fault. So I don’t need to worry.

But me and Dad won’t go different ways even if we’re the only ones left when a stream joins because he’s not letting that stick out of his sight.

And when the stream disappears we’ll carry on up and when we get to the edge of the watershed we’ll know because there’ll be a cairn and I can add the fish with its little eyes and scales and it’ll stay there forever to show I know about the water.

When it’s dark everyone at all the cairns will wave torches and we’ll see the whole shape of the very edge, where all the water comes to our river and not somewhere else. And at the big stone we’ll do the songs and poems and Dad will carry me home and the stick will sleep by my bed.

  • Read other pieces in the Write about Walking Together competition long list
  • Itching to write something yourself? Submit a piece to our Shorelines project, and invite your friends to read it aloud. Join one of our creative writing workshops or keep up to date with all our competitions by signing up to our ‘Walking Writers’ newsletter here or to our curated newsletter that covers all things about walking art here.

APA style reference

Walker, P. (2024). Today we’re walking the watershed with GranGran’s stick. walk · listen · create.

Writing Competition 2024 Walking Together Long list

Collection · 27 items
flash fiction
creative writing
Walking Together
Sound Walk September
walking writing


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Walking Together

Shani Cadwallender gives her view on "Walking Together" the theme to this year's writing competition.

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pedestrian acts

By de Certeau: In “Walking in the City”, de Certeau conceives pedestrianism as a practice that is performed in the public space, whose architecture and behavioural habits substantially determine the way we walk. For de Certeau, the spatial order “organises an ensemble of possibilities (e.g. by a place in which one can move) and interdictions (e.g. by a wall that prevents one from going further)” and the walker “actualises some of these possibilities” by performing within its rules and limitations. “In that way,” says de Certeau, “he makes them exist as well as emerge.” Thus, pedestrians, as they walk conforming to the possibilities that are brought about by the spatial order of the city, constantly repeat and re-produce that spatial order, in a way ensuring its continuity. But, a pedestrian could also invent other possibilities. According to de Certeau, “the crossing, drifting away, or improvisation of walking privilege, transform or abandon spatial elements.” Hence, the pedestrians could, to a certain extent, elude the discipline of the spatial order of the city. Instead of repeating and re-producing the possibilities that are allowed, they can deviate, digress, drift away, depart, contravene, disrupt, subvert, or resist them. These acts, as he calls them, are pedestrian acts.

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