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Reykjavik Art Tour

Sun Voyager sculpture, Reykjavik
Reykjavík, Iceland
German, Japanese, Danish, Icelandic
Walking piece

Explore Reykjavik’s artistic locations, museums, and popular viewing points throughout the city.

For those who want to dig deeper into the Reykjavik Art Scene, we recommend you check out the Reyjkavik Art Walk app which is also produced by the Reykjvaik Art Museum and Locatify.

The Reykjavik Art Walk app features 100’s of pieces of art spread throughout the city, with multimedia content that tells the story behind the art.


Hosted by: Reykjavik Art Museum & Locatify

APA style reference

Liddell, S. (2018). Reykjavik Art Tour. walk · listen · create.

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To walk slowly, reticently, scuffing shoes on path, hold back in a belligerent way.

Added by Carolyn Black

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